Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Providing Career Opportunity

This article relates to the Career … … commonly … in employee … surveys. It explores issues such as internal growth … … for … car

This article relates to the Career Opportunity competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It explores issues such as internal growth opportunities, potential for advancement, career development importance, and the relationship between job performance and career advancement. It examines whether your employees believe they have a chance to grow within the organization. Studies show that lack of career opportunity is one of the top reasons why employees leave an organization.

Also, continually hiring open positions from outside the organization can be detrimental to morale when a qualified candidate is available internally. Topics covered in this competency are: perceived opportunity for advancement, existence of a career development plan, and organizational commitment to staff development.

This short story, Providing Career Opportunity, is part of AlphaMeasure’s compilation, Tales From the Corporate Frontlines. It illustrates how employers can offer career opportunity to their employees using a well-planned career development strategy, and reap the benefits of a knowledgeable and dedicated workforce.

While searching through the employment ads in my local newspaper, I noticed that several companies made a point of adding the line—-”we promote from within”. Those are definitely the companies I would apply to – if I were on a job hunt.

But, the fact is, I am currently working for one of those companies. That’s not to say that we never hire from the outside; sometimes it’s unavoidable. If an employee leaves the company with a unique level of skill or training, it may have to look outside for a replacement. The point is that whenever possible, our company offers a career opportunity to a current employee.

This advancement doesn’t happen magically. Employees have to be on the lookout for career opportunity within the company, and prepare for it. Our company helps them by operating a structured career development program. Managers are entrusted with the duty to help employees evaluate their skills and performance on a regular basis and create a plan for the future based career goals.

Departments also form career development teams. They meet regularly and help employees to define their goals, provide feedback about applicable training programs, assign duties to employees to help them gain new skills, formulate job descriptions and generally make sure that employee career development programs are on the right track.

As for my own career development, I’ve been promoted three times over the past five years. Once because of an opening left by a retiring coworker, and twice into new positions created due to expansion. A few months after I was hired, my manager sat down with me and began to work up a career development program. He was very helpful in evaluating my current skills and finding ways to learn new ones that would help me to advance. He evaluated me honestly and encouraged me to alleviate any shortcomings and examine problems before they grew into major issues.

I can’t imagine working for a company that doesn’t offer its employees substantial career opportunity. It takes more than just posting job openings, it’s a lengthy process that takes time, effort, organization and planning. Companies must be willing to invest the effort and money to cultivate their workforce. It’s a worthy effort, in my opinion. I’ll stay where I am – and those classified ads that I mentioned earlier? I’d be willing to bet that those positions are filled quickly – with no shortage of qualified applicants.

5 Steps to Take Today to Get Your Dream Job Tomorrow

One of the primary goals of everyone life is to land or grab a dream job which provides them with a quality life and a successful career.

But why it is essential to have a great career with a dream job. Well, I will tell you the reasons for the same such as:

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It helps in offering you a good quality lifestyle.
It helps in inspiring you towards the other life goals.
It helps in providing financial stability to the person and many more.
Well, do you know that as per the statistics it has been found that only 40% of people in the age group of 26-30 years are well aware of their dream job? But they are not actually aware of the ways to get one. Hence, let’s start discussions about the five essential steps to take today so that you can grab your dream job tomorrow.

1. Start by Clearing Thoughts about Your Dream Job

At first before grabbing or working towards your dream job. You need to know about your dream job. The following questions are the ones which need to answer to know your dream job:

Think about the industry in which you want to grab a job.
The salary you may want to grab.
The location you prefer for the job.
The nature of the job and skills required for the same.
You need to look at the other perks and benefits too that come up in a job i.e. other than salary like employee benefits, working culture and many more.

These are the few things which can help you to clear your thoughts about the type of dream job you may wish so. Hence you need to get clear on the above things and then has to prepare yourself towards the road of getting the particular job which you dream off. For instance, if someone is interested in a sales job as his or her dream job. Then they will start preparing for the exam which needs to be clear for getting the particular sales job. One of the essential things one needs to find is the self-awareness about your own need or requirement.

2. Build a Secure Network of Professionals

Many people aren’t willing to leave their range of familiarity to try genuine endeavors networking. In any case, what they don’t understand is that meeting new people is the secret of having a meaningful connection that can get your name at the highest point of the hire list. When you got companions in high places, they can send one email or telephone call, and you’re good to go to land your dream position. Furthermore, it’s just through network administration you can in some cases skip past the application and meeting process by and large to get a position. What’s more, have you thought of influencing a network to push through LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter? Hiring specialist and managers are also on these platform for their own particular reasons. Thus you should merely start engaging with them and their substance by leaving reactions. Finally, you just improve at networking the more you do it and the more individuals you know. Apart from this, you should also use the right Job Search Apps to find your dream job.

3. Comprehend What all it Takes for a Dream Job

In case, if you need a dream job, you have to work hard for it. As it is not the case where directly apply today and get it tomorrow. You will need to realize what the activity prerequisites are and vital plans you need to get it. Separating precisely what it is you have to do will likewise diminish your sentiment of being overpowered. So you need to research what you need to have. And then make contact or talk with the individuals who are already working in the position which you want to have so that to know the criteria and situation of the same position. For instance, in the event that you want to be a teacher, at that point choose how you will get the teaching abilities.

4. Enhance Your Skills

As per this, you need to enhance your skills as per your dream job requirement so that you need to qualify for the potion. Therefore all you need to search job for the requirements and qualification required for the particular job and start enhancing your skills and qualifications in the same manner. For example: If someone wants to grab a higher management position in the reputable MNC and then he needs to have a recognized management degree from the prominent institutes such as MBA from IIMA etc. Other than this if a particular position required X years of experience than you need to work on the same accordingly so that you should qualify all the way for your dream position.

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5. Apply for the Job with Full Confidence

When you’ve done everything as yet, the main thing left to do is to unquestionably convey your identity, what all you can do for the industry or company you are applying for. All you need is to present yourself with full confidence. As if you are confident in yourself and your skills, then you will be surely able to grab your dream position in your dream company. Thus all you need to remember here is to be confident about yourself and your qualifications to get the potion.

Therefore, start preparing yourself for getting your dream job in the future with all the above-mentioned points. If you don’t have a lot of time for job searching, and you don’t want to be stuck to your laptop so you should also use some most popular jobs apps too which can make it easy to browse opportunities anytime, anywhere.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Classes?

As students have never seen such a drastic change, there is now a fresh debate to determine whether offline or online classes are better suited to students. And students and parents are divided in this comparison, as some people are satisfied with online sessions while some support offline classes. So, let’s look at the extensive comparison of offline and online classes, as well as their numerous advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Classes
Advantages of Offline Classes
No Distractions
In online classes, teachers cannot monitor what each student is up to on their system, and this means students will be constantly distracted while attending classes. However, that is not the case in offline classes, as the teacher can find out whether the students are focusing or not, which means there will be fewer or no distractions at all.

Competition in studies is a good sign since it guarantees that all students attending lessons are doing their best to earn the best results in the exam by understanding all the topics discussed in class. This process is not available in online classes.

Assisting Students
Some students are very shy, and they do not ask their doubts while attending class, which is much worse in online classes. However, the main advantage of offline classes in such cases is that the teachers can individually focus on each student in the class and help them clarify their doubts then and there.

In offline classes, students will be able to interact with their friends and teachers at the same time, which in turn will boost their interest in the topic or chapter. This will help them understand all the topics easily. Whereas in online classes, the interaction between students as well as teachers is limited.

When attending an online class, the extracurricular activities that the students can take place in are limited. And as suggested by many scientific reports, extracurriculars help students improve their knowledge in each subject and topic, which is only possible with offline classes.

Disadvantages of Offline Classes
Traveling expenses

The offline classes have their institutes in one place, and every student must travel. This adds to hours of traveling and preparation, which can be not only expensive but also time-consuming.

Fixed schedule
There is no room for leniency with offline classes, as the times are already fixed. Although the reason is unknown, there is a greater dropout rate among students who study 20 hours per week.

Expensive mode of study
Attending offline classes is an expensive form of study, as we previously mentioned because, in addition to the tuition price, you must pay for boarding and manage the expenditures to travel to campuses.

Dependency on teachers
Students become overly reliant on their teachers. Students should be exposed to hard situations until they reach a particular level to realize their full potential. This is only achievable if teachers become less engaged and provide assignments that require children to investigate on their own.

Lack of repetition of class

When studying at an offline institute, the classes that are presented cannot be repeated. That is a well-known truth, but it is also inconvenient for individuals who miss their classes due to unforeseen reasons. Offline modes of learning are unfavorable to students who have missed lessons and want to retake them.

So, as you can see, both online classes vs offline classes have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. And it all comes back to the student’s choice, his/her interests, availability, etc. Moreover, if you think that online classes are the best, then do check out the online interactive classes offered by the Tutoroot platform. They offer various benefits such as cost-effective prices, exclusive doubt-clearing sessions, the best educational materials, and many more.