Rethink Your Career Transition

The traditional “think, plan, do” linear sequence works well for job changers but sucks for career changers. Career changers need an iterative process that lets you refine what you want as you do as you go through it. Read on to learn about the three step iterative process for career changers.

Are you going nowhere in your career? If you’ve decided it’s time to change your career completely, here’s a new way of changing!

Before you jump ship, think about what’s been happening in your career. Have you been making little or no progress for some time? You may be in the throes of what George Leonard, author of Mastery, calls the “plateau”. Leonard argues that we master something with a series of one intense upward growth spurt followed by a long period of nearly flat growth – a plateau. In this age of “what have you done for me lately”, you may have just tired of being on the plateau. Before you chuck your old career, decide whether it no longer works for you or whether you’ve just tired of being on the plateau. If you’ve decided to change careers completely, read on!

So you’ve decided to jump, eh? Well, you’ve got two choices of how to do it. First is the traditional “think, plan, do” linear sequence we’ve all been taught by career counselors and well-meaning family members. If you’re just changing jobs within a career field, this strategy should work fine for you. But it sucks for career changers and here’s why! We get much of our identity from what we do; just ask anyone about himself or herself. What does she or he tell you first? I’m a ___________ (fill in the blank here – doctor, lawyer, Indian chief.) We get that identity by what we’ve done in our careers. In my experience hiring hundreds of folks for law firms, interviewers are skeptical of “career changers”. Hiring is a costly and time-consuming process, and interviewers don’t want to do it any more than necessary nor take unnecessary risks. You’ve got to convince them that hiring you makes sense, and to tell a convincing story requires that you’ve convinced yourself the change makes sense. It’s hard to convince yourself you can do if you haven’t done it.

So how do you present a prospective employer with a risk worth taking? Use the second option for career changing – an iterative process. Ok, you say, I’ll bite. What’s an iterative process?

Merriam Webster’s dictionary describes it as a repetitive process that yields results successively closer to the desired result, which is clarified as a result of the process. So take heart, all those who want something different but don’t know exactly what it is – the iterative process comes to your rescue.

So what does an iterative career shifting process look like? Herminia Ibarra describes a three-step strategy in her book, Working Identity, Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career. First, create experiments. Stephen Covey once said we can’t talk our way out of a situation we behaved our way into. Since our identities are defined by what we do, we need to pick some possible, alternative career identities and find activities that allow us to try these identities on for size. If they fit well, we can delve more deeply into them. If they fit poorly, we can put them back on the rack and try another.

Second, shift connections. Your working identity is also defined by your web of relationships in work and family life. Your current co-workers, bosses, family members, suppliers and customers all have vested interests in having you remain unchanged. Talk with any of them about a new career, and they’ll steer you toward a slightly modified version of what you’re doing now – not a career shift.

So, you’ll need to meet new people in your experimental fields. Go on informational interviews. Write to authors in your new field and engage them in conversation. Investigate trade or professional associations in your new field, or talk with college professors who teach that subject. Use your imagination to find new people for your network. Since who you are is defined by the company you keep, you need to meet new people to guide and help you shape your career experiments successfully.

Third, revise your life story so it’s compelling and coherent. Revising your life story involves revising your resume and story you’ll tell during informational and job interviews. You need this revised story for two reasons. 1. To convince yourself during a time of turmoil and confusion that your career change makes sense; and 2. To convince a prospective employer that hiring you is worth the risk.

A good story is like a good movie. Good movies cause you to “suspend your disbelief”. You care about the character, believe in him or her and relate to the struggle he or she is going through. You watch with bated breath as the protagonist struggles against obstacles that cause fundamental changes in character. You believe in the character as he or she reaches the point of no return and resolves his or her struggle, either successfully or unsuccessfully. You care and you believe in them.

How do you suspend your interviewer’s disbelief? By making your story compelling and convincing. Demonstrate to your interviewer that your transformation is complete and sensible. Explain the internal reasons for your career change, for example, I changed to do something I’m really good at or that I really enjoy. Show how you’ve learned from what you’ve tried and how you used that learning to deepen your understanding of yourself. It’s best to avoid external reasons (i.e. I was fired or laid off) to avoid the impression that you simply accept fate rather than actively shape it.

Cite as many reasons for your change as you can, and point out any explanations that have deeply rooted causes. Family or financial circumstances may have prevented you from realizing a goal from long ago. Persevering and overcoming obstacles are attractive qualities to employers.

Show continuity and causality – a natural series of unfolding events that make sense. Connect your past work life to your present situation and project it out into the future. Tell your story so that the obstacles you’ve overcome and what you’ve learned about your character inspire your prospective employer to believe in your motives, character and ability to reach your goals. Tell it so they can see you doing the same things for them!

No matter how you cut it, change is messy, and career change is no exception. Margaret Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers, in A Simpler Way, share that life uses messes to get to well-ordered solutions. But messes don’t feel very good while you’re in the midst of them!

That’s where professional help comes in. A broad shoulder to lean on when you need it. A productive mind to help you brainstorm experiments and shifting connections. A capable life story editor to help make your story compelling and convincing. If you know you need a change, but don’t feel comfortable going it alone, contact a career coach!

Invoice Discounting For E-Commerce & Retail Industry

India has experienced remarkable growth in both retail and e-commerce industries over recent years. India was predicted in 2017 that revenue generated for these sectors would increase from US$ 39 billion in 2017 to US$ 120 billion by 2020; marking 51% annual growth. No other country can boast this achievement!

India has one of the highest penetrations rates for online retail market segments, but customers are now showing greater preference towards purchasing other products through e-retail platforms – leading to an increase in products to meet customers’ various demands.

Retail and e-commerce industries face many obstacles in managing daily operations and clearing unpaid invoices, necessitating quick access to working capital. Invoice discounting provides quick relief by freeing up cash sitting in unpaid invoices – retailers and e-commerce alike need products from their suppliers, while suppliers often wait 30 to 90 days for payment; other hurdles could include upfront payment to sellers, delayed receivables, prolonged and delayed payment cycles, high overhead costs and operational inefficiency that might further complicate matters further.

What is invoice discounting?
Vendors or merchants that receive bills receivable from clients usually honour them after an agreed upon period, creating a time lag between delivery of goods and payments being received. To combat this situation, vendors can take their approved bill receivable to any participating bank or financial institution to get discounted or sell at a discount for cash up-front.

Invoice discounting is the process by which businesses leverage receivables to secure short-term funding needs. Small and midsized companies issue invoices against larger corporations (blue-chip companies), often for services provided or products supplied, to avoid delays. They bring these invoices directly to one of several invoice discounting service platforms where within 1-2 days they are converted into funds at a discount rate that varies based on risk analysis, market acceptability and tenure (typically 30-150 days).

How does invoice discounting benefit retail and e-commerce companies?

Invoice discounting services provide multiple advantages to retail and e-commerce industries.

Unlock trapped cash by clearing unpaid delivery invoices: Enjoy hassle-free working capital within 24-72 hours of clearing unpaid invoices, increase cash flow with no collateral policy, and keep inventories updated by making optimal use of unpaid invoices.

Manage Your Supply Chain Efficiently: By fulfilling orders quickly with access to working capital at all times and running an efficient supply chain from retailers to suppliers resulting in improved customer satisfaction, your supply chain should function at peak performance.

Use quick access to liquidity to accelerate business expansion: Increase orders through timely payments leading to more orders, which in turn increase sales resulting in business expansion, whilst simultaneously expanding your reach by connecting with larger retailers or online marketplaces that fulfil orders more efficiently.

How does invoice discounting work?
Retailer raises an invoice of the customer payable within 30 – 90 days

The unpaid invoices are uploaded on the Falcon Invoice Discounting platform post KYC and verification.

The retailer gets fund credited to the account within 24 – 72 hours.

How are invoices settled, and why is this necessary?
Deferred credit transactions have become an increasingly common way of conducting transactions. For instance, when businesses sell goods or provide services to their clients they often offer payment terms of 90-120 days as part of an invoice agreement. Businesses often outsource invoice payments to third-party financing companies that buy the accounts receivable from them. On acceptance, the finance company agrees to pay a specified percentage of the face value (often 80 percent) less interest charges for credit periods (such as 60 days). When customers make their payments, any balance due will be returned back to businesses by deducting a service fee and issued exchange vouchers in accordance with the Negotiable Instrument Act 1881.

An invoice discounting financing solution provides a way to bridge the credit gap between small and large enterprises by making it simpler for SME’s to access export finance without providing hard collateral or business financials as security.

Features and benefits of invoice discounting:
No collateral required. You just have to present the raised invoice to the lender.

The seller retains invoice ownership.
Get as financing of 90% of the invoice amount.

Get financing offline or online.
Financing amount’s quick disbursal.
Lenient eligibility criteria.
Low-interest rate.

Methods involved in invoice discounting:

With Recourse: Lending institutions conduct an intensive round of verification on the documents submitted by sellers and submit them for validation by their bank. If the bank determines that there has been a default on payment by either of them, they could become responsible for any potential debts owed by either of them.

Without Recourse: The lending institution does not conduct any verification on invoices and documents provided by sellers, nor do they check with their bank accounts.

What are the factors on which invoice discounting depend?
Company’s financial turnover.
Financing amount needed for the business.
Total amount of the invoices.
Business customer base.
Visibility of the business.
Why to prefer invoice discounting?

Invoice discounting provides businesses with the means to continue operating without worrying about cash constraints or lengthy loan applications. With this short-term financing solution, cash can be secured without collateral requirements; alleviating invoice backlog and providing you with extra funds for everyday business expenses. Customers don’t need to chase you for bill amounts any longer! Instead, let them manage their finances freely while still having enough money on hand for ongoing costs.

Does this financing method suit newly formed and small businesses?
Yes, lenders in the market welcome applications from newly formed small businesses and finance their invoices. Lenders take into consideration your current sales volume and potential for growth when considering whether to approve financing for your invoices.

Falcon Invoice Discounting has made invoice discounting investment possible for individuals by providing multiple platforms to facilitate investment depending on risk and other considerations. Minimum investments vary with each platform and could start as low as Rs. 25,000 for minimum investments on some platforms. Invoice discounting platforms provide verified vendors and enterprises with investors seeking returns. Businesses use invoice discounting platforms to list unpaid invoices that need working capital, while investors provide instant cash assistance and then reap returns within 30-150 days of investment. Investors could include anyone from individuals living in India, HUFs/proprietorships registered in India, institutional investors like banks/NBFCs/other financial institutions as well as NRIs.

Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Providing Career Opportunity

This article relates to the Career … … commonly … in employee … surveys. It explores issues such as internal growth … … for … car

This article relates to the Career Opportunity competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It explores issues such as internal growth opportunities, potential for advancement, career development importance, and the relationship between job performance and career advancement. It examines whether your employees believe they have a chance to grow within the organization. Studies show that lack of career opportunity is one of the top reasons why employees leave an organization.

Also, continually hiring open positions from outside the organization can be detrimental to morale when a qualified candidate is available internally. Topics covered in this competency are: perceived opportunity for advancement, existence of a career development plan, and organizational commitment to staff development.

This short story, Providing Career Opportunity, is part of AlphaMeasure’s compilation, Tales From the Corporate Frontlines. It illustrates how employers can offer career opportunity to their employees using a well-planned career development strategy, and reap the benefits of a knowledgeable and dedicated workforce.

While searching through the employment ads in my local newspaper, I noticed that several companies made a point of adding the line—-”we promote from within”. Those are definitely the companies I would apply to – if I were on a job hunt.

But, the fact is, I am currently working for one of those companies. That’s not to say that we never hire from the outside; sometimes it’s unavoidable. If an employee leaves the company with a unique level of skill or training, it may have to look outside for a replacement. The point is that whenever possible, our company offers a career opportunity to a current employee.

This advancement doesn’t happen magically. Employees have to be on the lookout for career opportunity within the company, and prepare for it. Our company helps them by operating a structured career development program. Managers are entrusted with the duty to help employees evaluate their skills and performance on a regular basis and create a plan for the future based career goals.

Departments also form career development teams. They meet regularly and help employees to define their goals, provide feedback about applicable training programs, assign duties to employees to help them gain new skills, formulate job descriptions and generally make sure that employee career development programs are on the right track.

As for my own career development, I’ve been promoted three times over the past five years. Once because of an opening left by a retiring coworker, and twice into new positions created due to expansion. A few months after I was hired, my manager sat down with me and began to work up a career development program. He was very helpful in evaluating my current skills and finding ways to learn new ones that would help me to advance. He evaluated me honestly and encouraged me to alleviate any shortcomings and examine problems before they grew into major issues.

I can’t imagine working for a company that doesn’t offer its employees substantial career opportunity. It takes more than just posting job openings, it’s a lengthy process that takes time, effort, organization and planning. Companies must be willing to invest the effort and money to cultivate their workforce. It’s a worthy effort, in my opinion. I’ll stay where I am – and those classified ads that I mentioned earlier? I’d be willing to bet that those positions are filled quickly – with no shortage of qualified applicants.